Spelregler för ishockey 2024/2025

205 BILAGA 7 – DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE SWEDISH RULEBOOK AND IIHF UNIFIED RULEBOOK (ENG) The purpose of this summary is to describe the differences in the Swedish Rulebook compared to the IIHF Unified Rulebook. It does not cover possible differences between the Swedish Situation Handbook and the IIHF Situation Handbook. Please note that the respective rulebook always takes precedence over this summary. RULE 7 – STARTING-LINE-UP • T he teams shall name their starting line-ups before the game. A bench minor penalty shall be assessed for a violation of this rule if the opposing team appeals to the Referee prior to the second face-off. RULE 9 – UNIFORMS • T eams are allowed to use different jerseys during the warm-up than during the game. The warm-up jerseys must have individual numbers according to the same rules as for the match jerseys. • I t is allowed to wear a sticker on the helmet with a flag showing the nationality of the player. RULE 10 – STICKS • A n illegal stick should not be given to the team after it has been measured. It should be sent to the league. • It is possible to measure a stick during a penalty shootout. RULE 20 – MAJOR PENALTY • T he label of a major penalty can be changed after video review. This also applies if the major penalty is reduced to a lesser penalty. RULE 23 – GAME MISCONDUCT • E ach Game Misconduct that does not result in a suspension is accumulated and after a given number of accumulated penalties the player is suspended for one game. • I n games where video review is used, the referee has the option of reviewing a Game Misconduct Penalty for Physical Abuse of Officials to either confirm or nullify the penalty. RULE 32 – LINESPERSONS • A goal can be disallowed if the Linesperson reports to the Referee that the goal was preceded by an offside. • T he Linespersons shall stop the play and report to the Referee if the goalkeeper plays the puck behind the goal line outside the designated area.