Continuous kilns

15 A complete range of continuous kilns. Brief specifications. • •passes recommendation CHARACTERISTICS TC 2-ZONE OTC 3-ZONE Boards Planks Online dimension changes Mixed dimensions (mm) 16–50 16–63 16–75 16–75 Low final moisture content Minimal checking (planks) Minimal moisture content variation TECHNICAL DATA Max kiln temperature 90 °C (194 °F) Annual capacity (m3) Annual capacity MMBF 40,000–200,000 17–85 25,000–100,000 10.5–42 25,000–100,000 10.5–42 25,000–100,000 10.5–42 Building Material Stainless steel Heat transmit. coeff. (W/m2 °C) < 0.30 Door system Vertical doors Air seal/flaps Fixed wall and roof flaps integrated in pressure frames Feeding system Fully automatic Fans 2–4 axial fans/zone Air velocity (m/s) 2–4 3–6 3–6 3–6 Supply/exhaust air Mechanical evacuation Evacuation flow (m3/h) 10,000–50,000 Heat recovery Air/air or air/fluid Control system Valmatics 4.0 Heating coil Lamella heating coils, Valutec special Spraying/steaming system High-pressure hot water or steam